
Professional Experience


Compiler Engineer

May 2023 - Current

Creating PGO metrics for LLVM and Clang to evaluate and improve runtime information. Developing and debugging C++ and C code within the middle and back end, using multiple different compiler IR.


GPU Compiler Engineer

June 2022 - April 2023

Developed C++ software for shader compiler used in multiple production graphics drivers. Implemented algorithms to canonicalize and transform the IR at instruction, CFG, and call graph levels.


C++ Software Engineer for Aerospace

July - Dec 2021

Developed firmware and software for aerospace devices and integrated systems. Held responsibility for embedded software as sole firmware engineer on an interdisciplinary team of engineers.


Research Assistant

Oct 2019 - July 2022

Developed features for a multi-GPU simulator written with Go, including a memory allocator and hardware representations. Researched TLB improvements through the coalescing of translation entries.

Khoury College of CS

Teaching Assistant

May - June 2021 | Jan - July 2022 | Sept - Dec 2023

CS 5600 - Computer Systems - Spring 2022. CS 3500 - Object Oriented Design - Summer 2021, Summer 2022, Fall 2023. Holding office hours, grading, and leading labs.


Embedded Software Engineer

Mar - Aug 2020 | Dec 2020 - Jan 2021

Developed C++ code for a digital color organ ran from an ESP32 NodeMCU. Features include automatic light calibration system, dynamic LED color patterns, and wireless control over HTTP API.

Advanced Monitoring Systems

Embedded Systems Engineer

July - Aug 2020

Validated hardware function on embedded processors controlling multiple sensors, documented embedded software upload process, and implemented version control and cloud storage for code base.


Last Updated: 2024/01/15
